Isabel A. Odriozola Serrano
Associate Professor
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Personal data
Area or expertise: Nutrition and Bromatology
Office: Campus ETSEA, edificio 2, planta 3, office 3.11
Phone (+34) 973 702616
Academic background
PhD. in Food Technology, University of Lleida (2009)
Degree in Food Science and Technology, University of Lleida (2001)
Technical Engineer in Agrifood Industries, University of Lleida (1999)
Currently teaching in the following programmes:
BSc in Food Science and Technology
Nutrition (code 102226)
Applied Nutrition (code 102233)
Food Analysis (code 102580)
Physics and Chemistry of Food (code 102224)
BSc in Human Nutrition and Dietetics
Nutrition (code 100642)
Food processing (code 100609)
Bioactive compounds in Food (code100625)
MSc in Management and Innovation in the Food Industry
Technology for the Production of Convenience Foods (código 13112)
Other information of interest
Member of the research group on Novel Food Processing Technologies.
Member of the consolidate research group on Innovative Tecnologies for Obtaining Food Ingredients and Products.
Member of Agrotecnio (Centre for Research in Agrotechnology)