Mercè Torres Grifo
Senior lecturer
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Personal data
Area or expertise: Food technology
Office: Campus ETSEA, edificio 2, planta 3, office 3.03
Phone (+34) 973 702919
Academic background
PhD in Microbiology (University of Barcelona, 1993)
Degree in Biology (University of Barcelona, 1984)
Currently teaching in the following programmes:
BSc in Food Science and Technology
Microbiology (code 102214)
Food Hygiene (code 102225)
Microbiology, parasitology and hygiene practices (code 102227)
Double BSc: Degree in Veterinary Medicine and Degree in Animal Science and Production
Microbiology and Immunology (code 100316)
BSc in Human Nutrition and Dietetics
Food Hygiene (code 100611)
MSc in Management and Innovation in the Food Industry
Food safety (code 13102)
Other information of interest
Expert in the area of filamentous moulds and biocatalysis.
Microbiology area director of dbA (Centre for biotechnological and agrofood developments, )
Member of the consolidate research group on Technology of Vegetal Products.
Member of Agrotecnio (Centre for Research in Agrotechnology)