Maria Paz Romero Fabregat
Full Professor
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Personal data
Area or expertise: Food Science and Technology
Office: Campus ETSEA, Building 2, Floor 3, office 3.18
Phone (+34) 973 702592
Academic background
Food Science and Technology PhD. University of Lleida
Industrial Chemistry Grade. University of Valencia.
Currently teaching in the following programmes:
BSc in Food Science and Technology
Sensory evaluation techniques (code 102256)
Oenologie (code 102255)
BSc in Agrifood Engineering
Plant Foods Processing Technology II (code 100609)
MSc in Management and Innovation in the Food Industry
Seed oils: new formulations and process (code 13107)
Innovations in olive oil and table olives (código 13112)
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Other information of interest
Member of the research group on Plant-based Foods Technology (SGR2017 00351)
Coordinator of the Scientific-Technical Service “Sensory and Physicochemical Analysis of Foods” at the University of Lleida. Coordinator of the Mixed Platform of the Eurecat Center in Nutrition and Health at the University of Lleida.
Research Head of “Food Bioactive Compounds” group. Centre for Research in Agrotechnology-Agrotecnio.