Pedro Elez Martínez
Full Professor
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Personal data
Area or expertise: Food Technology
Office: Campus ETSEA, building 2, floor 2, office 2.12
Phone: (+34) 973 702678
Academic background
Ph.D. Food Technology, University of Lleida (2005)
Agricultural Engineer, specialization ‘Food engineering’, University of Lleida (2000)
Agricultural Technical Engineer, specialization ‘Agri-Food Industries’, University of Lleida (1997)
B.Sc. in Biotechnology
Biotechnological Processes and Products (code 101622)
Biocompany Management and Legal and Ethic Aspects (code 101624)
Biotechnology for the Improvement of Food Processes and Products (code 101633)
Biotechnological Production of Food Ingredients (code 101634)
B.Sc. Thesis (code 101640)
B.Sc. in Food Science and Technology
Production Management (code 102240)
Food Packaging (code 102256)
B.Sc. Thesis (code 102243)
M.Sc. in Management and Innovation in the Food Industry
Management of Quality and Innovation (code 13115)
M.Sc. Thesis (code 13114)
M.Sc. in Agricultural Engineering
Management of Quality and Innovation ión (code 13115)
M.Sc. Thesis (code 14430)
Doctorate in Agricultural and Food Science and Technology (University of Lleida)
Doctorate in Efficient Systems of Agro-Food Production and Quality (University of Lleida, University of Zaragoza, Public University of Navarra, University de La Rioja)
Other information of interest
Expert in the development of nonthermal food processing technologies.
Associate Editor. Frontiers in Nutrition – Nutrition and Food Science Technology (from 2020).
Associate Professor. Department of Food Technology, University of Lleida (from 2011).
Researcher. Department of Food Science, Centre for Research in Agrotechnology (Agrotecnio), Research Excellent Centre of Catalonia (CERCA) (from 2011).
Researcher. Catalan Government consolidate research group on Innovative Technologies for Obtaining Food Ingredients and Products (from 2009).
Researcher. Research group on Novel Food Processing Technologies, Department of Food Technology, University of Lleida (from 2008)
Deputy Director for Dissemination and Transfer, School of Agri-Food and Forestry Science and Engineering, University of Lleida (2019-2020).
Deputy Vice-Rector for Scientific and Technological Policy, University of Lleida (2015-2019).
Deputy Director for Planning, School of Agri-Food and Forestry Science and Engineering, University of Lleida (2011-2012).
Assistant Professor. Department of Food Technology, University of Lleida (2008-2011).
Researcher. Institute of Food Science and Technology and Nutrition, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) (2006-2008).
Post-doctoral Researcher. Department of Food Biotechnology and Food Processing Engineering, Berlin University of Technology (2005).
Pre-doctoral Researcher. Department of Food Technology, University of Lleida (2001-2005).