Teresa Hernandez Jover
Assistant professor
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Personal data
Area or expertise: Nutrition and Food Science
Office: Campus ETSEA, Edifici 2, 1 planta, despatx
e-mail: teresa.hernandez@udl.cat
Phone (+34) 973 702616
Academic background
Degree on Pharmacy (University of Barcelona, 1990)
PhD in Pharmacy (University of Barcelona, 1996)
Currently teaching in the following programmes:
BSc Human Nutrition and Dietetics
Nutrition (code 100616))
Metabolism and Nutrition (code 100631)
Practicum (code 1006229)
MSc Management and Innovation in the Food Industry
Food Safety (code 13102)
Other information of interest
Head of Health Promotion Service of the Sub-Directorate of Lleida and Alt Pirineu i Aran of the Ministry of Public Health Secretariat of Health Department
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